Sunday, October 14, 2012

Always wear great shoes

Went out with friends last night, had a really fun evening. I threw the camera and tripod in the trunk because there've been aurora alerts most nights this week and I was a Brownie once (always be prepared). The sky was full of ominous black clouds as we drove toward Old Strathcona, and in fact we had a bit of lightening. I pretty much gave up on the idea of auroras. When leaving our friends around midnight, the sky was lovely and clear, full of stars. No aurora though. Not until we turned the last corner toward our house. There it was, not super bright, but bright enough. Dancing away over the river valley.

I grabbed the tripod from the trunk, set it up in the dark, fumbled with settings and the remote shutter, and took my first shot. I decided to move locations a bit, and walked through the unfinished curb (i.e. wet muddy clay dirt) to set up on the sidewalk the other side! 

Life's too short, and auroras too fleeting, to worry about getting mud on your great shoes! 

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